My career at EAT HAPPY.

On 28/05/2018, I was introduced to our first regional manager, and was accepted as an EAT HAPPY worker. On 01/06/2018, I had my official day at EAT HAPPY, but I was in a trial period for two weeks. At first, I was very nervous and was thinking if I could do it as I had zero experience in making sushi, cutting fish and interacting with customers. But with my hard work and dedication I did it, i have learned new techniques and skills in making Sushi from my boss and an experienced chef from Germany at EAT HAPPY.

I am the oldest worker in Innsbruck at EAT HAPPY and have worked in all the shops in Innsbruck and also few days in Schwaz. I became the shop manager on 01/12/2020. Many bosses and colleagues have come and gone, but i am still dedicated to working hard and sincerely at EAT HAPPY. It has been 5 years and 4 months now at EAT HAPPY.

I am happy to work at EAT HAPPY, and the reason is that i have a very good relationship with my bosses and colleagues. It has given me confidence to communicate with customer , learn lots of techniques and different types of Sushi, and maintain cleanliness.

I would like to thank EAT HAPPY for giving me the opportunity to work, and for as long as I can, I will sincerely dedicate my hard work.

Written by,
Fee Lan (Shopleiterin Mitterweg, Oct 2023).

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